*Reinstating members who have not paid FAR and NAR dues from the previous year do not qualify for the current prorated new member rate. Rates below are for first-time NEW MEMBERS only
Fees and monthly pro-rated Dues cover from Today MARCH 30, 2025 through JUNE 30, 2025
Individuals that hold a Sales Associate real estate license and is active under firm that holds a membership in good standing.
Individuals that hold a Broker or Sales Associate real estate license and is active under firm that holds a membership in good standing.
The right to use the REALTOR® trademark on business marketing material; and the right to vote and hold elected office in the local, state or National Association.
Individual that maintains a current valid real estate broker's license and has been designated as the responsible broker for the firm
An individual who maintains a valid real estate license and your State and National dues are remitted through another board.
Must hold Primary membership in good standing with another association in Florida. Additional fees may apply for out-of-state members.
Individual that maintains a current valid real estate broker's license and has been designated as the responsible broker for the firm. Your State and National dues are remitted through another board.
Must hold Primary membership in good standing with another association in Florida. Additional fees may apply for out-of-state members.
Membership will add a unique suite of commercial benefits including tools, products and education to help REALTORS when selling and leasing properties.
Membership will add a unique suite of commercial benefits including tools, products and education to help REALTORS when selling and leasing properties.
Boost your MIAMI Membership by adding a unique suite of commercial tools and benefits to help you succeed in your business.